
時間 2021-06-05 04:31:43


1. registration

2. met someone I had been friends with in the summer vacation after College Entrance Examination.

3. settled down my luggage and daily-life necessities.

4. rested and slept

5. played with myself most of the time,for the reason that I unfortunately found when it comes to sharing stories before graduating from high school,or just illustrate opinions and feelings about something,their perspective are excessively different in comparison with mine,which even led to the fact——they consistently and slowly abandoned me out of their "group",just called it "group".

I had already perceived this situation before the final enrollment day,so at the first day that I began as a freshman,I didn't feel uncomfortable or sad or something worse my mood.However,I merely felt a little bit regretful,for the sake of my attitude towards a training course related to "how to build a solid social relationship" ,"how to overcome intensity in your mind when in a speech situation faced with a great deal of audience"and etc.I had struggled not to yield at the laziness and fear of refusing to build connection and make friends with others,and eventually I succeeded.

But after the situation above,between me and my roommates,I thought I had to quit,in other words,just like what I said——"play with myself".

this consequence surely couldn't completely match with the effort I had made in the course period.That is why I felt "a little bit regretful".


檸檬味的丫頭 我記得我沒有想。因為之前一直都在家門口讀書,心裡比較憧憬外面的世界。後來軍訓的時候有想,之後找了男朋友,有了依靠,想家是想,但沒有想到要哭,很難過那種。 前程似錦 我是在河南師範大學就讀,本人也是河南人,河南師範大學距離我的老家大約300公里,剛來到學校的時候是充滿激動和興奮的。但等家...


軒轅鐵柱 晚上,我室友說,我剛才在走廊,看見兩個男生,說,他們是大學生血站的,這是幹啥呀?我說 大學還有血站?是公益性質的社團嗎?動員大學生參與無償獻血。我害怕抽血,你們獻血嗎?她們說 我也害怕呀!不獻血。過了幾分鐘,那兩個男生過來敲門,我們還挺緊張的,我去開門他說 同學你好,我們是大學生水站的,要...


pretty 7 開學那天,我很意外的沒有帶入學通知書。就是這樣,說實話第一天的感受兩個字,失望,失望自己為什麼來了這所學校,失望自己為什麼沒有更努力,更幸運呢,失望身邊的一切環境。這是第一天的感受,後來啊,我有了改觀,人不能一味沉淪,我開始向上游,我也被看到了,我也很風光的度過了人生之中最長的軍訓...