
時間 2021-11-05 21:30:39


Hi There,

It is not an easy question to answer. But I do know many people whose major studies are English go ahead and get ACCA (UK)/AICPA (US)/ACA (UK)/CIMA (UK), etc to make them more marketable. For the four accounting designations, I believe the three UK ones can be attempted or partially attempted before you get your degree.

I know, in China, Big 4 accounting firms used to like hiring university graduates with English as major.

Anyway, if you can ensure that your extracurricular study (i.e. accounting designation study) will not conflict your normal study and you can get your bachelor degree as well as passing all exams of an accounting designation during your university, you get nothing to lose to try writing one accounting designation exams.

If your English is excellent, then you may get some advantage when doing case writing exams.

Hopefully that will help.


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