
時間 2021-06-05 11:45:12



上公升動詞類: increase, goup, rise up, grow up, jump up, surge, shoot up, keep an upward tendency

下降動詞類: decrease, godown, decline, fall down, drop, sink, dip, keep a downward tendency

波動動詞類: fluctuate

持平動詞類: remain thesame, stabilize, remain stable, remain constant

修飾動詞的副詞: slightly 輕微地, slowly 緩慢地, gradually 逐漸地, steadily 穩定地, rapidly 迅速地, moderately 溫和地, 輕微地, significantly 明顯地, sharply 明顯地, dramatically急劇地, drastically急劇地

上公升名詞類: increase, rise,growth, jump, surge

下降名詞類: decrease,decline, fall, reduction, drop

波動名詞類: fluctuation

修飾名詞的形容詞: slight,slow, gradual, steady, rapid, moderate, significant, sharp, dramatic, drastic


最高點: reach thepeak/top/highest point

Increase to thepeak/top/highest point(所有上公升類的動詞都可以替換掉increase)

最低點: reach thebottom/lowest point

drop to thebottom/lowest point(所有下降類的動詞都可以替換掉drop)

佔的最多: occupy/makeup/take up/account for the largest proportion/number/percentage of …

佔的最少: occupy/makeup/take up/account for the smallest proportion/number/percentage of…


Double 是兩倍/大一倍

Increase/decreasethree times 增長/減少了三倍


About/around + 數字

數字 + or so


句式一: 變化主體/圖畫中主體+趨勢動詞+副詞+時間區間

Eg: The number of agedpeople over 65 increased significantly from 1940-2000.

The number of agedpeople over 65 dropped slightly from 1960-1980.

The number of agedpeople over 65 fluctuated between 1 million and 1.2 million from 1940-1950.

The number of agedpeople over 65 remained stable from 1930-1940.


不能去,去了the best situation 就直接是alternative therapies了,後面一堆就沒意義了。the best situation指的是後面的一整句。


haha 建議不要指望靠小作文拉分。我的英語基礎不算好。考過6次雅思,前兩次都是寫作5.5,後面三次6分,一次6.5。我基本上都是在大作文傷下功夫。其實小作文真的很容易可以寫的很好,我基本上大多數時間都用在聯絡大作文上面,然後考前幾天背一下小作文的句式短語單詞那些啊,聯絡兩三篇去考試就寫起來很輕鬆。...

雅思作文得5 5有多難?

真的不難,我裸考了一次雅思,聽力5,閱讀5.5,寫作5.5,口語5,總分5.5。說明一下,我四級454擦邊過,六級303分超低分。所以5.5是真的很好考到吧,要是認真複習的話,6.5應該不難 妮妮 5.5真的不難!得了5.5才是難題所在好嘛!我們先來了解一下雅思的評分標準8!5555分 句式很有限。...

雅思作文如何穩定6 5以上?

阿布拉卡雅思 基礎不錯,寫作分數一直提不上來,看兩個問題1 整體作文結構 2 審題和思路 阿布拉卡雅思 寫作篇 7分的基礎,寫作偏題也就5.5 Hygge珮珮 作文分數不穩定,無法穩定的話那就要看看你的作文結構了。不是我瞎說 我還真有發言權,成績單鎮樓 雅思總分8分,聽力8.5,閱讀8,口語7.0,...